
Instruments housed in the Mani lab

*We always welcome new collaboration opportunities. If you are interested in using any of the instruments listed in the lab, please contact tomoyasu.mani @

Laser Spectroscopy

Femtosecond transient absorption spectroscopy

Ultrafast Systems HELIOS FIRE and IR

excitation range: Ti:sapphire laser with OPA; 285-2600 nm

detection range: UV-visible-NIR (320-1600 nm) & mid-IR

time range: ~50 fs to 8 ns

Nanosecond transient absorption and emission spectroscopy

Edinburgh LP920

excitation source: Opotek, OPOLETTE UX10230 & Continuum Surelite, Nd:YAG laser (355, 532, 1064 nm)

detection range: visible; equipped with ICCD (spectra) and PMT (decay)

time range: ~10 ns to ms

*Cryostat is available for both fs and ns measurements.

Fluorometer (steady-state and time-resolved)

Edinburgh FLS1000

excitation source: Xe lamp and diodes (280, 400, 510, 560 nm)

detection range: UV-vis-NIR (steady-state), and UV-vis (time-resolved, TCSPC and MCT)

*Polarization, integrating sphere, solid sample holder, temperature-controlled cell are available.

Other Instruments


Solid sample holder and a variable length cell holder (up to 5 cm) are available.


Speectroelectrochemical cell is available.


GMW 3470 Dipole

Custom-made electromagnets

Equipment for organic synthesis (rotary evaporators, Schlenk lines, vacuum oven, etc…)

Instruments outside UConn Chemistry

Pulse Radiolysis

We use the Laser- Electron Accelerator Facility (LEAF) at Brookhaven National Laboratory.