Our new paper appears in JACS!. Congratulations Jason!
The work is funded by JST PRESTO Quantum Bio.
Our new paper appears in JACS!. Congratulations Jason!
The work is funded by JST PRESTO Quantum Bio.
Miu, a grad student, started working in the lab this semester.
Meng, Jenika, and Lauren (undergraduate students) joined the lab this semester. Welcome All!
New paper is in ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces. Congratulations Alex!
Jason won 2020 Bobbitt-Chou Fellowship! The Bobbitt-Chou Fellowship recognizes early accomplishment in a student’s graduate studies (third year graduate student) and the promise of continued success.
Congratulations Jason!
Sam has won the Department of Energy (DOE) Summer Undergraduate Laboratory Internship (SULI) and started working at BNL (remotely)! Congrats!
Our new paper is now in JPC B! Congratulations, Andrew, Reid, and Mengshijie!
All three co-1st authors are UConn Chemistry undergraduate students!
Dave and Amrita have started working in the lab in Spring 2020. Welcome!
Sam is named as a University Scholar. Congratulations!
5 high school students from Matsuyama Minami High School from Ehime, Japan visited the lab on October 30th!
We held the CT-JAPAN Photochemistry Workshop for High School Students. Please see the link for details.
We held 2019 CT-JAPAN Photochemistry workshop on 10/29 and 10/30!
Big thanks to the students, teaching assistants, and the support from the Department of Chemistry and UConn Early College Experience.
Updated: featured in UConn Chemistry News!