Jason successfully defended his dissertation on 4/28. BIG congratulations!
Neo Joined the lab!
Neo joined the lab! Welcome!
Gwen joined the lab!
Gwen Ross will work in the lab during this summer. Welcome!
Sam received SURF
Sam is awarded a Summer Undergraduate Research Fund (SURF) award for this summer. Congrats!
New Paper in JACS!
Our new paper appears in JACS!. Congratulations Jason!
The work is funded by JST PRESTO Quantum Bio.
New Members
Miu, a grad student, started working in the lab this semester.
Meng, Jenika, and Lauren (undergraduate students) joined the lab this semester. Welcome All!
Jason won 2020 Bobbitt-Chou Fellowship!
Jason won 2020 Bobbitt-Chou Fellowship! The Bobbitt-Chou Fellowship recognizes early accomplishment in a student’s graduate studies (third year graduate student) and the promise of continued success.
Congratulations Jason!
Sam starts SULI at BNL
Sam has won the Department of Energy (DOE) Summer Undergraduate Laboratory Internship (SULI) and started working at BNL (remotely)! Congrats!
Dave and Amrita Joined the Lab!
Dave and Amrita have started working in the lab in Spring 2020. Welcome!
University Scholar
Sam is named as a University Scholar. Congratulations!