Sam Johnson joined the lab later in the Spring 2018 and has started working full time in the Summer! Welcome Sam!
Highlighted in UConn Today
The work on JST PRESTO funding was highlighted in UConn Today.
Reid and Andrew won Two Fellowships!
Reid and Andrew both won Department of Energy Science Undergraduate Laboratory Internships (SULI) and Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship at UConn Chemistry! Congratulations to both of you!
Seminar at Wesleyan
Tomo gave a seminar at the Department of Chemistry of Weslyean University.
Tomo has been awarded the PRESTO grant by the Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST) under the research area “Creation of Life Science Basis by Using Quantum Technology” for the next 3.5 years! We greatly appreciate their support.
New Paper Published in JPC B!
Our new paper, Probing Intermolecular Electron Delocalization in Dimer Radical Anions by Vibrational Spectroscopy, is published in Journal of Physical Chemistry B.
Summer at BNL
Andrew, James, and Tomo spent a part of this summer at the BNL.
Andre and Jason started working in the lab.
Incoming graduate students Andre Decarmine and Jason Buck joined the lab this month. Welcome!
Tomo Featured in IMS Website
Tomo is featured in IMS website. Here is the interview post.
Andrew receives a Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship!
Andrew receives a Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship, funded by the Department of Chemistry. Congratulations Andrew!