Leo is working in our lab as an REU student. We are excited to have him in the lab!
Congrats Sam!
Sam defended his Honors/MS thesis successfully on 05/27. He is starting his Ph.D. at Caltech this fall. Congrats and best of luck in the new endeavor!
Review on Quantum Sensing
Our review on using spin-correlated radical pairs in quantum sensing is published in Chem. Phys. Rev.!
Congratulation Dr. Buck!
Jason successfully defended his dissertation on 4/28. BIG congratulations!
Tomo has been awarded an NSF CAREER Award from the CHE division! Congratulations to all the lab members (past and present)!
New Paper in ACS Omega
Our new paper, in collaboration with the group of Prof. Esipova of Loyola University of Chicago, is out in ASC Omega! Congrats to all!
Neo Joined the lab!
Neo joined the lab! Welcome!
New Paper in Chem Sci!
Our new paper on the nitrile vibration is now out in Chemical Science!
Gwen joined the lab!
Gwen Ross will work in the lab during this summer. Welcome!
Sam received SURF
Sam is awarded a Summer Undergraduate Research Fund (SURF) award for this summer. Congrats!